Sessions and Pricing

I tailor my work specifically for you.  There is no 'one size fits all' program'.  You can have as many or as few sessions as you like.  I combine my skills to help you get the help you want.

STEP ONE: Launch Session

Let’s get started and establish your baseline. A full functional assessment will start the process. We will investigate your whole body movement patterns starting with your feet and ending with your neck. We will be super focused on your needs and pay specific attention to where your body doesn’t move. We will do a full video analysis of your walking patterns. Discuss any health issues or diagnoses in depth and check your recovery mindset. Different bodies require specific exercise instruction so there are no generic apps or exercise sheets, you’ll receive a video made specifically for you with detailed movement instructions and the plan that we have designed together. 90 mins $150+GST

STEP TWO: Choose Your Focus

After your launch session you’ll know what you need to do to make progress. Different bodies respond to different treatments and strategies so you can choose how you move forward guided by my recommendations. You can choose a focused session where we go deep on a specific modality or a blend session where I use all my skills in each session. You can choose from…

  • Accredited Exercise Physiology: 90 mins $150+GST, 60 mins $100+GST

  • Anatomy Trains Structural Integration® (ATSI): 90 mins $150+GST

  • Restorative Exercise®: 60 mins $100+GST

  • Performance Coaching: 60 mins $150+GST

  • Oxygen Advantage Functional Breathing Coaching®: 60 mins $120+GST


We can book you week by week or schedule your sessions in advance for blocks of treatment. We might decide to work together for a month and then reassess. Three month blocks are popular. The possibilities are endless, we find a way to work together that suits you, your budget and life.

STEP THREE: Do the Work

You are the expert of your body, with consistent movement skill development and a growing understanding of what works best, you can make massive change. Keeping you on track and accountable is the main aim of this phase. If we don’t stick to our new behaviours we will likely return to our previous state. That’s why this phase is vital. We can design this stage to meet your specific needs with you at the helm.

STEP FOUR: Reassess, Refocus and Keep Growing

Your new baseline levels will be assessed and a new cycle of movement growth and health with begin. You always hold the key and are in total control of your growth and recovery.

TELEHEALTH is available if you are not Christchurch based: All sessions except ATSI® can be done online.